MACCA - Open Air Museum of Contemporary Art

MACCA - Open Air Museum of Contemporary Art is an organization that gathers the artistic projects dispersed throughout the area of Peccioli and its hamlets under a single management. The museum houses a multitude of works of contemporary art, product of thirty years of work by artists who have been invited, over time, to develop projects in harmony with the area of Peccioli.

The long-lasting link between Peccioli and contemporary art has allowed us to expand the visions and the opportunities of a place in constant growth from the cultural point of view as well as from those of infrastructure, regeneration of spaces and relationship with the community. The intertwining of these different perspectives has led to an extremely innovative development of locations, aiming at the enhancement of the historical heritage while looking at the contemporary intervention as a means of transformation and development. In this way, through the enrichment of contemporary works, a rediscovery of historical riches is possible.

For this reason, the MACCA collection, which today has more than seventy works - mainly large installations - is constantly growing. The museum is here intended as an evolving project, available to artists who could participate and reinterpret the place with their own vision. Thus, the artistic heritage allows the reclamation of public spaces, which in turn reconstruct the intergenerational, community relationship. A community that can live together and relate to new languages and imagination and pass them on to those who come to visit the village.

The museum becomes widespread, to be investigated, to be explored: in the open air. Art becomes a tool for visiting the area and its most hidden places, wandering around the hamlets of Ghizzano, Legoli, Montecchio and Fabbrica; for arriving at the waste disposal and treatment plant to understand that a landfill can coexist with works of art and with a theatre – a work of art itself; and again, for having the opportunity to park at the Multi-storey car park and being able to walk on a coloured walkway, a spiral leading to a viewpoint of the valley; and even more, for finding out that a similar panoramic view is offered on the opposite side, from the terrace of Palazzo Senza Tempo, another cornerstone of the regeneration process in the village.

It is with this perspective that we invite you to visit MACCA, walking and exploring, letting yourselves be amazed by the surprises it can reveal to you. The discovery of contemporary works of art dispersed around Peccioli and its surroundings will be a tool for getting to know an authentic territory: that of the Tuscan hills.

The MACCA si widespread in the area of Peccioli and its hamlets, there are no opening and closing hours.

You can book your visit of the Waste Disposal and Treatment Plant from the home page of our website by clicking on the “Invia Richiesta” button in the automatic pop-up and then filling in the form in the “ACCESSO - AREA DEI GIGANTI” section and sending it.

It is possible to make the tour of "Voci" by booking writing to