Sacred Art Museum
The Sacred Art Museum of Peccioli was inaugurated on October 25th, 2009 at the behest of the Municipal Administration, of the Parish of Saint Veranus and with the collaboration of the Superintendence B.A.P.S.A.E. (Superintendence for Architectural, Landscape, Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage for the provinces of Pisa and Livorno).

The Museum is housed in the Romanesque church of Saint Veranus, inside the Chapel of the Assumption. This chapel was built starting from 1580 to house the homonymous Company; in recent years it was subjected to an important restoration campaign. Inside, visitors can admire the most significant works of the area, including two well-preserved examples of Tuscan painting of the 13th century: a Madonna with Child dating back to the first half of the 12th century and attributed to Enrico di Tedice, called “Delle Grazie” because it is a miraculous image, and the dossal with “St. Nicholas and stories of his life”, dating back to the third quarter of the 13th century and attributed to Michele di Baldovino. This table is the protagonist of an misunderstanding protracted to the present day: donated in 1881 by Giuseppe Toscanelli, on the back it presents an inscription in which the saint is referred to as “Saint Veranus Abbot, Patron of Peccioli”. The “exchange” between the two saints was born because of the strong resemblance to another dossal depicting “Saint Veranus and stories of his life”, now preserved at the Brera Museum in Milan. This dossal was originally preserved in the church of Peccioli, where it was probably stolen during the 19th century.

We would like also to mention the following artworks: - a wooden crucifix dating back to the fourth decade of the 14th century, related to the Sienese sculpture derived from Giovanni Pisano; - a Sacred Conversation of 1463 by Neri di Bicci; - an Assumption with Angels and Saints of 1628 by Giovanni Bilivert. A special mention deserves the painting of St. Peter, attributed to Giovan Battista Piazzetta and donated to the museum before the inauguration by Mrs. Rosanna Merlini, according to the will of her husband.

There are numerous works of sacred jewellery, among which the chalice of the mid-15th century, attributed to a Sienese goldsmith workshop close to Sano di Pietro.


Saturday 10am – 1pm
Sunday 3pm – 6pm

Closed on January 1st, Easter Tuesday, May 1st, August 15th, first Tuesday in October, December 24th, 25th and 31st.


Free Entry

Schools and groups can request guided tours outside the opening hours at the Organizing Secretariat (tel. 0587 672158,


Sacred Art Museum
Piazza Fra’ Domenico da Peccioli, inside San Veranos Church
56037 Peccioli (Pi)
Tel. +39 0587 672158
Tel. +39 0587 672877

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  • Piazza del Popolo 10 - Peccioli
  • 0587 672158